Identifier: Text-101000411
Title: Simulating and analyzing artificial non-stationary earthquake ground motions
Creator(s): Nau, Robert F.; Oliver, Robert M.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-111001708
Title: OPTNSR: an interactive software system for optimal design of statically and dynamically loaded structures with nonlinear response
Creator(s): Bhatti, M. Asghar; Ciampi, Vincenzo; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-111001926
Title: DELIGHT.STRUCT: a computer-aided design environment for structural engineering
Creator(s): Balling, Richard J.; Pister, Karl S.; Polak, Elijah L.
Identifier: Text-111001927
Title: Optimal design of seismic-resistant planar steel frames
Creator(s): Balling, Richard J.; Ciampi, Vincenzo; Pister, Karl S.; Polak, Elijah L.
Identifier: Text-131001236
Title: Optimal design of friction-braced frames under seismic loading
Creator(s): Austin, Mark A.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-150220
Title: A methodology for computer-aided design of earthquake-resistant steel structures
Creator(s): Austin, Mark A.; Pister, Karl S.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-200355
Title: A unified earthquake-resistant design method for steel frames using ARMA models
Creator(s): Takewaki, Izuru; Conte, Joel P.; Mahin, Stephen A.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-200357
Title: Influence of the earthquake ground motion process and structural properties on response characteristics of simple structures
Creator(s): Conte, Joel P.; Pister, Karl S.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-200362
Title: Seismic behavior of concentrically braced steel frames
Creator(s): Khatib, Ibrahim F.; Mahin, Stephen A.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-300065
Title: A Probabilistic Earthquake Resistant Design Method for Braced Steel Frames Using ARMA Models
Creator(s): Takewaki, Izuru; Conte, Joel P.; Mahin, Stephen A.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-300151
Title: An Assessment of the Cap Model: Consistent Return Algorithms and Rate-Dependent Extension
Creator(s): Simo, Juan C.; Ju, Jiann-Wen; Pister, Karl S.; Taylor, Robert L.
Identifier: Text-300179
Title: A Guide to the Use of DELIGHTSTRUCT
Creator(s): Austin, Mark A.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-300181
Title: Remarks on Rate Constitutive Equations for Finite Deformation Problems: Computational Implications
Creator(s): Simo, Juan C.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-300190
Title: Formulation and Numerical Integration of Elastoplastic and Elasto-Viscoplastic Rate Constitutive Equations
Creator(s): Pinsky, Peter M.; Pister, Karl S.; Taylor, Robert L.
Identifier: Text-300366
Title: Mechanical characterization of nonlinear viscoelastic solids for iterative solution of boundary value problems
Creator(s): Dong, Richard G.; Pister, Karl S.; Dunham, Robert S.
Identifier: Text-300371
Title: Thermomechanical Analysis of Viscoelastic Solids
Creator(s): Taylor, Robert L.; Pister, Karl S.; Goudreau, Gerald L.
Identifier: Text-300396
Title: Stress Analysis of Incompressible and Nearly Incompressible Anisotropic Bodies
Creator(s): Taylor, Robert L.; Herrmann, Leonard R.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-300454
Title: Constitutive Equations for a Class of Nonlinear Elastic Solids
Creator(s): Evans, Roger J.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-300478
Title: Studies Relating to Structural Analysis of Solid Propellants
Creator(s): Dong, Stanley B.; Herrmann, Leonard R.; Pister, Karl S.; Taylor, Robert L.
Identifier: Text-300495
Title: Strength of Concrete Under Combined Stresses
Creator(s): Bresler, Boris; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-41000937
Title: Applications of reliability-based global cost optimization to design of earthquake-resistant structures
Creator(s): Vitiello, Edmondo; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-41000961
Title: Optimum design of earthquake-resistant shear buildings
Creator(s): Ray, Debabrata; Pister, Karl S.; Chopra, Anil K.
Identifier: Text-51000919
Title: Study of a method of feasible directions for optimal elastic design of framed structures subjected to earthquake loading
Creator(s): Walker, Norman D.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-5382
Title: CSTRUCT: an interactive computer environment for the design and analysis of earthquake resistant steel structures
Creator(s): Austin, Mark A.; Mahin, Stephen A.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-61000880
Title: Sensitivity analysis for hysteretic dynamic systems: theory and applications
Creator(s): Ray, Debabrata; Pister, Karl S.; Polak, Elijah L.
Identifier: Text-81001548
Title: Optimal design of an earthquake isolation system
Creator(s): Bhatti, M. Asghar; Pister, Karl S.; Polak, Elijah L.
Identifier: Text-91000360
Title: ARMA models for earthquake ground motions
Creator(s): Chang, Mark K.; Kwiatkowski, Jan W.; Nau, Robert F.; Oliver, Robert M.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-91001216
Title: OPTDYN: a general purpose optimization program for problems with or without dynamic constraints
Creator(s): Bhatti, M. Asghar; Polak, Elijah L.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-S19267
Title: Probabilistic limit states design of moment-resistant frames under seismic loading
Creator(s): Austin, M. A.; Pister, Karl S.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-S20648
Title: A unified earthquake-resistant design method for steel frames using ARMA models
Creator(s): Takewaki, Izuru; Mahin, Stephen A.; Pister, Karl S.