Identifier: Text-S23817
Title: Analysis of soil-structure interaction on site defense (SD) type semi-buried structures
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Pang, Steven S.; Isenberg, Jeremy
Identifier: Text-S23865
Title: Development of soil island procedures and associated free-field calculations. [Final report, Mar. 1974-Mar. 1975]
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan
Identifier: Text-S24056
Title: Effect of local inhomogeneity on the dynamic response of pipelines
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Weidlinger, Paul; Baron, Melvin L.
Identifier: Text-S24059
Title: Earthquakes and underground pipelines : an overview
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Baron, Melvin L.
Identifier: Text-S24060
Title: Role of Coulomb friction in the seismic response of buried pipes : general introduction and overview
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Weidlinger, Paul; Parnes, R.
Identifier: Text-S24069
Title: Axial vibrations of a fluid filled pipe
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan
Identifier: Text-S27596
Title: Dynamic seismic analysis of long segmented lifelines
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Weidlinger, Paul
Identifier: Text-S29523
Title: Dynamic seismic analysis of long segmented lifelines
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Weidlinger, Paul
Identifier: Text-S39010
Title: Seismic analysis of lifelines with interference response spectra
Creator(s): Weidlinger, Paul; Nelson, Ivan