Identifier: Text-2005121461
Title: Seismic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls with Regular and Irregular Openings
Creator(s): Yanez, F. V.; Paulay, Thomas; Park, Robert
Identifier: Text-200512209
Title: Experimental studies in New Zealand of seismic shear effects
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-200512213
Title: The Philosophy and Application of Capacity Design
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-2006032913
Title: Seismic design strategies for shear resistance in reinforced concrete structures
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-200609274
Title: Joints in reinforced concrete frames designed for earthquake resistance
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas; Park, Robert
Identifier: Text-200610063
Title: A simple seismic design strategy based on displacement and ductility compatibility
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-200701307
Title: The design of reinforced concrete ductile shear walls for earthquake resistance
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-200802053
Title: The Coupling of shear walls (volume 1)
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-200802055
Title: The Coupling of shear walls (volume 2)
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-200804102
Title: The Inelastic behaviour of earthquake resistant reinforced concrete exterior beam-column joints
Creator(s): Scarpas, Athanasios; Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-200810233
Title: A Reinforced concrete beam-column joint of a prototype one-way frame with floor slab designed for earthquake resistance
Creator(s): Cheung, P. C.; Paulay, Thomas; Park, Robert
Identifier: Text-200810234
Title: Interior and exterior reinforced concrete beam-column joints of a prototype two-way frame with floor slab designed for earthquake resistance
Creator(s): Cheung, P. C.; Paulay, Thomas; Park, Robert
Identifier: Text-201009173
Title: New Zealand tests on full-scale reinforced concrete beam-column-slab subassemblages designed for earthquake resistance (SP-123)
Creator(s): Cheung, P. C.; Paulay, Thomas; Park, Robert
Identifier: Text-201009174
Title: Mechanisms of slab contributions in beam-column subassemblages (SP-123)
Creator(s): Cheung, P. C.; Paulay, Thomas; Park, Robert
Identifier: Text-201111011
Title: Some aspects of shear wall design
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-201208243
Title: Seismic displacement capacity of ductile reinforced concrete building systems
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-201408152
Title: A Simple displacement compatibility based seismic design strategy for reinforced concrete buildings
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-201409117
Title: Design aspects of shear walls for seismic areas
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-201508071
Title: Ductility in earthquake resisting squat shearwalls
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas; Priestley, M. J. N.; Synge, A. J.
Identifier: Text-2016011312
Title: The Seismic displacement capacity of dual systems
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-S22281
Title: The design of reinforced concrete ductile shear walls for earthquake resistance
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-S25462
Title: Ductility of squat shear walls
Creator(s): Synge, A. J.; Paulay, Thomas; Priestley, M. J. N.
Identifier: Text-S29477
Title: Reinforced concrete beam-column joints under seismic actions. Draft
Creator(s): Paulay, Thomas
Identifier: Text-S32671
Title: Kapazitatsbemessung von Stahlbetontragwanden unter Erdbebeneinwirkung
Creator(s): Bachmann, Hugo; Paulay, Thomas