Identifier: Text-S23669
Title: [Selected papers] 19-21 Dec. 1977
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Mainstone, R. J.; Pichard, Pierre
Identifier: Text-S23783
Title: The hazards of explosion, impact, and other random loadings on tall buildings
Creator(s): Mainstone, R. J.
Identifier: Text-S23784
Title: The response of buildings to accidental explosions
Creator(s): Mainstone, R. J.
Identifier: Text-S24501
Title: Properties of materials at high rates of straining or loading
Creator(s): Mainstone, R. J.
Identifier: Text-S24527
Title: On the stiffnesses and strengths of infilled frames
Creator(s): Mainstone, R. J.
Identifier: Text-S24528
Title: The influence of a bounding frame on the racking stiffness and strengths of brick walls
Creator(s): Mainstone, R. J.; Weeks, G. A.