Identifier: Text-S23085
Title: Suggested criteria for hydrologic design of storm-drainage facilities in the San Francisco Bay Region, California
Creator(s): Rantz, S. E.
Identifier: Text-S30019
Title: Mean annual precipitation and precipitation depth-duration- frequency data for the San Francisco Bay Region : California
Creator(s): Rantz, S. E.
Identifier: Text-S30025
Title: Mean annual runoff in the San Francisco Bay region, California, 1931-1970
Creator(s): Rantz, S. E.
Identifier: Text-S30031
Title: Precipitation depth duration-frequency relations for the San Francisco Bay region, California : with Isohyetal map of San Francisco Bay region, California, showing mean annual precipitation
Creator(s): Rantz, S. E.
Identifier: Text-S30036
Title: A summary view of water supply and demand in the San Francisco Bay region, California
Creator(s): Rantz, S. E.