Identifier: Text-200354
Title: Behavior of peak values and spectral ordinates of near-source strong ground motion over the SMART 1 array
Creator(s): Niazi, Mansour
Identifier: Text-S27702
Title: Source characterization of selected North Caspian events from the relative excitation of regional phases. Final report
Creator(s): Niazi, Mansour
Identifier: Text-S31798
Title: Behavior of peak values and spectral ordinates of near-source strong ground-motion over a dense array : SMART 1 array, Lotung, Taiwan
Creator(s): Niazi, Mansour
Identifier: Text-S33129
Title: Distance scaling of vertical and horizontal response spectra of the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Niazi, Mansour
Identifier: Text-S40380
Title: Seismicity of Iranian Plateau and Hindu Kush region
Creator(s): Niazi, Mansour; Basford, Jeffrey R.