Identifier: Text-S22889
Title: Ingineria seismica a marilor baraje
Creator(s): Priscu, Radu
Identifier: Text-S22891
Title: Ingineria seismica a constructiilor hidrotehnice
Creator(s): Priscu, Radu
Identifier: Text-S22892
Title: Earthquake engineering for large dams
Creator(s): Priscu, Radu
Identifier: Text-S29413
Title: The behaviour of Romanian dams during the Vrancea earthquake of March 4, 1977
Creator(s): Priscu, Radu
Identifier: Text-S29414
Title: The influence of consolidation phenomenon upon stresses in embankment dams
Creator(s): Priscu, Radu
Identifier: Text-S29415
Title: The potential liquefaction analysis of Turnu Magurele-Nicopole Dam
Creator(s): Priscu, Radu
Identifier: Text-S29526
Title: Progress in static and dynamic analysis of dams
Creator(s): Priscu, Radu