The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S22778
Title: Final report of the Mammoth Lakes earthquake of May 25, 1980, by the Post Earthquake Investigation Team (PEQIT) of Caltrans
Creator(s): Semans, Frank; Klein, Eugene G.

Icon Identifier: Text-S22780
Title: Final report of the Greenville earthquake of January 24, 1980 by the Post Earthquake Investigation Team (PEQIT) of Caltrans
Creator(s): Storlie, Larry; Semans, Frank

Icon Identifier: Text-S22846
Title: Final report of the Eureka (Trinidad-Off-shore) earthquake of November 8, 1980, by the Post Earthquake Investigation Team (PEQIT) of Caltrans
Creator(s): Semans, Frank; Zelinski, Ray J.