Identifier: Text-2005121313
Title: Global Shear Wave Velocity Database for Probabilistic Assessment of the Initiation of Seismic-Soil Interaction
Creator(s): Kayen, Robert E.; Seed, Raymond B.; Moss, Robb E. S.; Çetin, Kemal Önder; Tokimatsu, Kohji; Tanaka, Yukiyoshi
Identifier: Text-2005121329
Title: CPT-Based Probabilistic Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Initiation
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.
Identifier: Text-200607211
Title: CPT-based probabilistic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction initiation
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Seed, Raymond B.; Kayen, Robert E.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Der Kiureghian, Armen
Identifier: Text-200610208
Title: CPT-based liquefaction field case histories from the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu (Kobe) earthquake, Japan
Creator(s): Tokimatsu, Kohji; Moss, Robb E. S.; Seed, Raymond B.; Kayen, Robert E.; Suzuki, Yoshio
Identifier: Text-200802251
Title: Field case histories for SPT-based in situ liquefaction potential evaluation
Creator(s): Çetin, Kemal Önder; Seed, Raymond B.; Moss, Robb E. S.; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Tokimatsu, Kohji; Harder, Leslie F.; Kayen, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-2009012713
Title: Comparing liquefaction procedures in the US and China
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Chen, G.
Identifier: Text-200909171
Title: Reinvestigation of liquefaction and nonliquefaction case histories from the 1976 Tangshan earthquake
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Kayen, Robert E.; Tong, Liyuan; Liu, Songyu; Cai, Guojun; Wu, Jiaer
Identifier: Text-200912146
Title: Reduced uncertainty of ground motion prediction equations through Bayesian Variance Analysis
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.
Identifier: Text-2010022610
Title: Probabilistic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction using the CPT
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-201401132
Title: Incorporating parameter uncertainty into attenuation relationships
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Der Kiureghian, Armen
Identifier: Text-201408267
Title: Tsunamigenic probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis for subduction zones
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Travasarou, Thaleia
Identifier: Text-201511138
Title: Preliminary geotechnical engineering reconnaissance of the November 3, 2002 Mw7.9 Denali earthquake, Alaska
Creator(s): Kayen, Robert E.; Sitar, Nicholas; Carver, Gary A.; Collins, Brian; Moss, Robb E. S.
Identifier: Text-201903261
Title: Flow-failure case history of the Las Palmas, Chile, Tailings Dam
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Gebhart, T. R.; Frost, J. D.; Ledezma, Christian A.
Identifier: Text-958620
Title: Geotechnical engineering reconnaissance of the November 3, 2002 Mw 7.9 Denali earthquake, Alaska [electronic resource]
Creator(s): Kayen, Robert E.; Sitar, Nicholas; Carver, Gary A.; Collins, Brian; Moss, Robb E. S.
Identifier: Text-958625
Title: Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering: a unified and consistent framework
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Moss, Robb E. S.; Kammerer, Ann Marie; Wu, Jiaer; Pestana, Juan M.; Riemer, Michael F.; Sancio, Rodolfo B.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Kayen, Robert E.; Faris, Allison; Çetin, Kemal Önder
Identifier: Text-Lib050186
Title: Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering and seismic site response evaluation
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Çetin, Kemal Önder; Moss, Robb E. S.; Kammerer, Ann Marie; Wu, Jiaer; Pestana, Juan M.; Riemer, Michael F.