Identifier: Software-ANSR1ZIP
Title: ANSR-1: Analysis of Nonlinear Structural Response
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.; Riahi, Ali; Row, Dennis G.; Maison, Bruce F.; Popov, Egor P.
Identifier: Software-CURVBRGZIP
Title: CURVBRG: Analysis of Curved Open Girder Bridges
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-101001401
Title: Gap-friction element (type 5) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-101001402
Title: 3D solid element (type 4 - elastic or elastic-perfectly-plastic) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-101001404
Title: 2D plane/axisymmetric solid element (type 3 - elastic or elastic-perfectly-plastic) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-300243
Title: CURVBRG - A Computer Program for Analysis of Curved Open Girder Bridges
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-51000819
Title: Static and dynamic analysis of nonlinear structures
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-51000821
Title: ANSR-I: general purpose program for analysis of nonlinear structural response
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-91001217
Title: ANSR-II: analysis of nonlinear structural response, user's manual
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-91001218
Title: 2D beam-column element (type 5 - parallel element theory) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Row, Dennis G.; Powell, Graham H.; Mondkar, Digambar P.
Identifier: Text-91001219
Title: 3D beam-column element (type 2 - parallel element theory) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Riahi, Ali; Powell, Graham H.; Mondkar, Digambar P.
Identifier: Text-91001220
Title: 3D truss bar element (type 1) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-S29486
Title: Finite element analysis of thermo-elastoplastic structures
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, G. H.
Identifier: Text-S29492
Title: Further developments of capabilities in the program ANSR for nonlinear finite element analysis
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, G. H.
Identifier: Text-S40118
Title: ANSR-I: general purpose program for analysis of nonlinear structural response
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, G. H.