Identifier: Software-ADAP88ZIP
Title: ADAP-88: Nonlinear Earthquake Analysis of Concrete Arch Dams
Creator(s): Mojtahedi, Soheil; Fenves, Gregory L.; Reimer, Richard B.
Identifier: Software-ADAPZIP
Title: ADAP: Static and Dynamic Analysis of Arch Dams
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Raphael, Jerome M.; Mojtahedi, Soheil
Identifier: Text-191106
Title: ADAP-88: a computer program for nonlinear earthquake analysis of concrete arch dams
Creator(s): Fenves, Gregory L.; Mojtahedi, Soheil; Reimer, Richard B.
Identifier: Text-224728
Title: Parameter study of joint opening effects on earthquake response of arch dams
Creator(s): Fenves, Gregory L.; Mojtahedi, Soheil; Reimer, Richard B.
Identifier: Text-225089
Title: ADAP-88: a computer program for nonlinear earthquake analysis of concrete arch dams: user guide
Creator(s): Mojtahedi, Soheil; Fenves, Gregory L.; Reimer, Richard B.
Identifier: Text-300331
Title: Analysis of Stiffened Plates Using the Finite Element Method
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Mojtahedi, Soheil
Identifier: Text-31001126
Title: ADAP: a computer program for static and dynamic analysis of arch dams
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Raphael, Jerome M.; Mojtahedi, Soheil
Identifier: Text-S19537
Title: Finite element analysis of arch dams and foundations : report to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Raphael, Jerome M.; Mojtahedi, Soheil
Identifier: Text-S22858
Title: Earthquake analysis of arch dam-foundation systems
Creator(s): Mojtahedi, Soheil
Identifier: Text-S37082
Title: Effect of contraction joint opening on Pacoima Dam in the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Mojtahedi, Soheil; Fenves, Gregory L.