Identifier: Text-1291203
Title: Seismic demands for nondeteriorating frame structures and their dependence on ground motions
Creator(s): Medina, Ricardo A.; Krawinkler, Helmut
Identifier: Text-1293206
Title: Seismic demands for nondeteriorating frame structures and their dependence on ground motions
Creator(s): Medina, Ricardo A.; Krawinkler, Helmut
Identifier: Text-200606285
Title: Loading histories for seismic performance testing of SMRF components and assemblies
Creator(s): Krawinkler, Helmut; Gupta, Akshay; Medina, Ricardo A.; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-201104131
Title: Seismic demands for single- and multi-story wood buildings
Creator(s): Krawinkler, Helmut; Zareian, Farzin; Ibarra, Luis F.; Medina, Ricardo A.; Lee, Seung-Je
Identifier: Text-201405138
Title: Lateral load patterns for the conceptual seismic design of frames exposed to near-fault ground motions
Creator(s): Park, Kyungha; Medina, Ricardo A.
Identifier: Text-201411074
Title: Contrasting performance based design with performance assessment
Creator(s): Krawinkler, Helmut; Zareian, Farzin; Medina, Ricardo A.; Ibarra, Luis F.
Identifier: Text-201411253
Title: Seismic demands for performance based design
Creator(s): Krawinkler, Helmut; Medina, Ricardo A.; Miranda, Manuel; Ayoub, Ashraf
Identifier: Text-2014121711
Title: Seismic demands for performance based design of frame structures
Creator(s): Medina, Ricardo A.; Krawinkler, Helmut