Identifier: Text-101001403
Title: General applicability of a nonlinear model of a one story steel frame
Creator(s): Sveinsson, Bjorn Ingi; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-111001736
Title: Linear models to predict the nonlinear seismic behavior of a one-story steel frame
Creator(s): Valdimarsson, Helgi; Shah, Arvind H.; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-111001870
Title: Evaluation of seismic design provisions for masonry in the United States
Creator(s): Sveinsson, Bjorn Ingi; Mayes, Ronald L.; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-121001040
Title: A mathematical model for the response of masonry walls to dynamic excitations
Creator(s): Sucuoglu, Haluk; Mengi, Yalçin; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-12689
Title: A mathematical model for predicting the nonlinear response of unreinforced masonry walls to in-plane earthquake excitations
Creator(s): Mengi, Yalçin; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-150212
Title: Cyclic loading tests of masonry single piers: Volume 4 -- Additional tests with height to width ratio of 1
Creator(s): Sveinsson, Bjorn Ingi; McNiven, Hugh D.; Sucuoglu, Haluk
Identifier: Text-191105
Title: An experimental program for studying the dynamic response of a steel frame with a variety of infill partitions
Creator(s): Yanev, Bojidar; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-201302275
Title: Seismic behavior of masonry piers
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-224730
Title: Models for nonlinear earthquake analysis of brick masonry buildings
Creator(s): Mengi, Yalçin; McNiven, Hugh D.; Tanrikulu, A. Kamil
Identifier: Text-300306
Title: Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Responses In Hollow Rods to a Transient Input
Creator(s): Pernica, Gerald; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300316
Title: Response in a Transversely Isotropic Rod to a Transient Input
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Mengi, Yalçin
Identifier: Text-300337
Title: Dispersion of Cylindrical Waves in a Viscoelastic Body
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Mengi, Yalçin
Identifier: Text-300338
Title: Transient Wave Propagation in Transversely Isotropic Rods
Creator(s): Mengi, Yalçin; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300342
Title: The Three-Dimensional Theory of Waves in Transversely Isotropic Rods
Creator(s): Mengi, Yalçin; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300350
Title: Power Series Solution for Problems of Axisymmetric Wave Propagation
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300352
Title: Method of Characteristics for Solving Problems of Axisymmetric Wave Propagation
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Mengi, Yalçin
Identifier: Text-300356
Title: An Approximate Theory Governing Axisymmetric Motions in Transversely Isotropic Rods
Creator(s): Mengi, Yalçin; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300362
Title: On the theory and design of rockbolted tunnels
Creator(s): Ewoldsen, Hans; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300392
Title: The Influence of the Geometric and Physical Parameters on the Dispersion of Axisymmetric Waves in Composite Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Mengi, Yalçin
Identifier: Text-300403
Title: A Note on the Asymptotic Phase Velocities in a Two-Layer Plate
Creator(s): Mengi, Yalçin; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300413
Title: Phase Velocities of Axisymmetric Waves in Composite Rods when the Wave Length is Short
Creator(s): Mengi, Yalçin; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300436
Title: An Investigation of the Resonant Frequencies of Axisymmetric Motions in Hollow, Finite, Elastic Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Shah, Arvind H.
Identifier: Text-300437
Title: Extensional Waves in a Semi-Infinite Hollow Elastic Rod
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Shah, Arvind H.
Identifier: Text-300445
Title: An Investigation of Elastic Waves with Imaginary and Complex Wave Numbers in Hollow Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Sackman, Jerome L.; Shah, Arvind H.
Identifier: Text-300446
Title: An Approximate Theory for the Vibrations of Hollow, Elastic Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Shah, Arvind H.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-3107
Title: A graphical method for solving the wave reflection-refraction problem
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Mengi, Yalçin
Identifier: Text-61000879
Title: Investigation of the inelastic characteristics of a single story steel structure using system identification and shaking table experiments
Creator(s): Matzen, Vernon C.; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-81001016
Title: Investigation of the nonlinear characteristics of a three story steel frame using system identification
Creator(s): Kaya, Izak; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-81001238
Title: Cyclic loading tests of masonry single piers, Volume 1 - height to width ratio of 2
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Mayes, Ronald L.; McNiven, Hugh D.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-81001239
Title: Cyclic loading tests of masonry single piers, Volume 2 - height to width ratio of 1
Creator(s): Chen, Shy-Wen J.; Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Mayes, Ronald L.; Clough, Ray W.; McNiven, Hugh D.