Identifier: Text-S22003
Title: System analysis with mixed variables
Creator(s): Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S22004
Title: Finite element method: the large sparse system of equations and its numerical solution
Creator(s): Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S22005
Title: General solution routines for symmetric equation systems
Creator(s): Wiberg, Nils E.; Tagnfors, Harald
Identifier: Text-S23048
Title: SOLV, SOLVP: General solution routines for symmetric equation systems
Creator(s): Tagnfors, Harald; Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S23050
Title: EPARAM: datorprogram for elastisk-plastisk analys av plan ram enligt 2:a ordningens teori med stabilitetskontroll. [EPARAM: a computer program for the analysis of plane frames of linear elastic-plastic meterial according to second order theory]
Creator(s): Tagnfors, Harald; Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S23051
Title: PRAM: Datorprogram for analys av plan ram enligt 1:a och 2:a ordningens teori
Creator(s): Tagnfors, Harald; Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S23052
Title: BALKROST: Datorprogram for analys av plan balkrost
Creator(s): Tagnfors, Harald; Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S24463
Title: Iterative solution of finite element equations
Creator(s): Glemberg, Ronny; Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S24663
Title: Groundwater hydrology problems, with emphasis on approximate computer solutions
Creator(s): Runesson, Kenneth; Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S25472
Title: Finita elementmetoden en dataranpassad berakningsmetod for ingenjorsproblem
Creator(s): Wiberg, Nils E.
Identifier: Text-S33702
Title: Advances in finite element technology
Creator(s): Wiberg, Nils E.; Samuelsson, Alf