The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-201308132
Title: Consideration of Non-Gaussian response properties by use of stochastic equivalent linearization
Creator(s): Pradlwarter, H. J.; Schueller, Gerhart I.; Chen, X.-W.

Icon Identifier: Text-S21931
Title: Beitrag zur Datenverarbeitung grosser globaler Matrizen in der Strukturmechanik = [Out-of-core computation of large global matrices in structural mechanics]
Creator(s): Pradlwarter, H. J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39155
Title: A practical approach to predict the stochastic response on Many-DOF-systems modeled by finite elements
Creator(s): Pradlwarter, H. J.; Schueller, Gerhart I.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39156
Title: Methods for reliability assessment of nonlinear systems under stochastic loading : a review
Creator(s): Pradlwarter, H. J.; Schueller, Gerhart I.; Pandey, M. D.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39160
Title: Dynamik der rotierenden Kurbelwelle bei mehrfach nichtlinearer Lagerung
Creator(s): Pradlwarter, H. J.; Priebsch, H. H.