Identifier: Text-200602092
Title: Numerical modeling of the nonlinear cyclic response of shallow foundations
Creator(s): Harden, Chad W.; Hutchinson, Tara C.; Martin, Geoffrey R.; Kutter, Bruce L.
Identifier: Text-2006031010
Title: An assessment of the two-dimensional and wave propagation effects on the site response of the Marina District of San Francisco during the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Bardet, Jean-Pierre; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-2006062736
Title: Liquefaction and remediation of silty soils
Creator(s): Thevanayagam, S.; Nashed, Rafeek; Shenthan, Thevachandran; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-200607189
Title: Workshop on Modeling of Nonlinear Cyclic Load-Deformation Behavior of Shallow Foundations, Wednesday, March 5, 2003, University of California, Davis
Creator(s): Kutter, Bruce L.; Martin, Geoffrey R.; Hutchinson, Tara C.; Harden, Chad W.; Gajan, Sivapalan; Phalen, Justin D.
Identifier: Text-200710221
Title: Practical design innovations in vibro systems
Creator(s): Baez, Juan I.; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-201002032
Title: Effects of liquefaction on vulnerability assessment: technical summary, August 1994
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.; Qiu, Ping
Identifier: Text-201105122
Title: Advances in the design of vibro systems for the improvement of liquefaction resistance
Creator(s): Baez, Juan I.; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-201110103
Title: Seismic design of highway bridge foundations, volume 2: design procedures and guidelines
Creator(s): Lam, Ignatius Po; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-201205032
Title: Seismic retrofitting manual for highway structures : Part 1 - Bridges
Creator(s): Buckle, Ian G.; Friedland, Ian M.; Mander, John B.; Martin, Geoffrey R.; Nutt, Richard V.; Power, Maurice S.
Identifier: Text-2013030612
Title: Seismic response of soft offshore soils - a parametric study
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.; Lam, Ignatius Po; Tsai, Chan-Feng; Anderson, Donald G.
Identifier: Text-201303135
Title: Research overview : ground failures and geotechnical aspects
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-2014011310
Title: Soil densification using vibro - stone columns supplemented with wick drains
Creator(s): Shenthan, Thevachandran; Thevanayagam, S.; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-201402184
Title: Seismic response of skewed bridges with seat-type abutments
Creator(s): Shamsabadi, Anoosh; Yan, Liping; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-2014031212
Title: A Design procedure for liquefaction mitigation of silty soils using dynamic compaction
Creator(s): Nashed, Rafeek; Thevanayagam, S.; Shenthan, Thevachandran; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-2014031218
Title: Effects of fines on liquefaction screening using penetration resistance
Creator(s): Thevanayagam, S.; Ecemis, N.; Kanagalingam, T.; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-201404094
Title: Networked pseudo-dynamic testing of bridge pier and pile foundation
Creator(s): Zhu, P. S.; Xiao, Y.; Martin, Geoffrey R.; Guo, Y. R.
Identifier: Text-201410301
Title: Recommended procedures for implementation of DMG special publication 117 guidelines for analyzing and mitigating liquefaction in California
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.; Lew, Marshall
Identifier: Text-201503308
Title: Strong motion seismograms for scenario earthquakes
Creator(s): Abrahamson, Norman A.; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-201505192
Title: Seismic design of pile foundations: structural and geotechnical
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.; Lam, Ignatius Po
Identifier: Text-201603291
Title: Seismic design of bridge abutments
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-201611281
Title: Building-foundation-soil interaction effects
Creator(s): Miura, Kenji; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-61000365
Title: Effect of multi-directional shaking on liquefaction of sands
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Pyke, Robert M.; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S19228
Title: Seismic design of highway bridge foundations, volume 3: example problems and sensitivity studies
Creator(s): Lam, Ignatius Po; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S19419
Title: Highway bridge foundation : design and analysis to resist earthquake motion
Creator(s): Lam, Ignatius Po; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S19474
Title: Seismic design of highway bridge foundations, volume 1: executive summary
Creator(s): Lam, Ignatius Po; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S22898
Title: The seismic coefficient in earth dam design
Creator(s): Seed, H. B.; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S26153
Title: Dynamic response analyses for earth dams; a report of an investigation
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S26154
Title: The response of earth dams to earthquakes
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S26248
Title: Fundamentals of liquefaction under cyclic loading
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.; Finn, W. D.; Seed, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S27594
Title: The seismic coefficient in earth dam design
Creator(s): Seed, H. B.; Martin, Geoffrey R.