Identifier: Text-S21901
Title: Use of non-conforming modes in finite element analysis of plates and shells
Creator(s): Choi, Chang K.; Schnobrich, W. C.
Identifier: Text-S32613
Title: Proceedings of US-Korea Joint Seminar/Workshop on Critical Engineering Systems
Creator(s): Ang, Alfredo H.; Choi, Chang K.
Identifier: Text-S38088
Title: Proceedings of US-Korea Workshop on New Frontier in Infrastructural/Seismic Engineering
Creator(s): Choi, Chang K.
Identifier: Text-S38589
Title: Proceedings of the US-Korea Workshop on Smart Infra-Structural Systems : 23-24 August 2002, Busan, Korea
Creator(s): Choi, Chang K.; Cheng, Franklin Y.; Yun, Chung B.
Identifier: Text-S39101
Title: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Public Infrastructure Systems Research : 25-27 September 1995, Seoul, Korea
Creator(s): Choi, Chang K.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-S39899
Title: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Advances in Wind & Structures (AWAS'02) : 21-23 August 2002, Busan, Korea
Creator(s): Choi, Chang K.
Identifier: Text-S39918
Title: Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'02) : volume of abstracts
Creator(s): Choi, Chang K.; Schnobrich, W. C.
Identifier: Text-S39919
Title: Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'02) 21-23 August 2002, Busan, Korea
Creator(s): Choi, Chang K.; Schnobrich, W. C.
Identifier: Text-S40717
Title: Proceedings of US-Korea Joint Seminar/Workshop on Critical Engineering Systems
Creator(s): Choi, Chang K.; Ang, Alfredo H.