Identifier: Text-S21779
Title: Finite element methods in engineering : proceedings of the 1974 International Conference on Finite Element Methods in Engineering held at the Univeristy of New South Wales, Australia, August 28-30, 1974
Creator(s): Pulmano, V. A.; Kabaila, Algis P.
Identifier: Text-S21932
Title: A compatible annular sector finite element of varying thickness for plate bending
Creator(s): Pulmano, V. A.
Identifier: Text-S24611
Title: Tapering annular sector finite element for plane stress problems
Creator(s): Pulmano, V. A.
Identifier: Text-S25287
Title: Analysis of helicoidal girders by the stiffness method
Creator(s): Kabaila, Algis P.; Pulmano, V. A.
Identifier: Text-S25301
Title: Long-term tests on reinforced concrete beams
Creator(s): Bakoss, S. L.; Gilbert, R. I.; Faulkes, K. A.; Pulmano, V. A.
Identifier: Text-S25309
Title: Long-term behaviour of reinforced concrete frames
Creator(s): Bakoss, S. L.; Gilbert, R. I.; Pulmano, V. A.
Identifier: Text-S25767
Title: Single element panel for multistorey plate structures
Creator(s): French, S.; Kabaila, Algis P.; Pulmano, V. A.
Identifier: Text-S25777
Title: Torsion on nonhomogeneous anisotropic bars
Creator(s): Valliappan, S.; Pulmano, V. A.
Identifier: Text-S31032
Title: A simplified method for the time-dependent analysis of reinforced concrete frames
Creator(s): Pulmano, V. A.; Shin, Y. S.; Bakoss, S. L.
Identifier: Text-S31047
Title: An improved technique for predicting the deflections of ordinary reinforced and partially fully prestressed concrete beams
Creator(s): Pulmano, V. A.; Shin, Y. S.