The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S21671
Title: Numero especial dedicado al sismo ocurrido en Oaxaca el 29 de Noviembre de 1978
Creator(s): Ponce, Lautaro; Brune, James N.; McNally, Karen

Icon Identifier: Text-S26759
Title: The Oaxaca, Mexico, earthquake of 29 November 1978: a preliminary report on aftershocks
Creator(s): Singh, S. K.; McNally, Karen

Icon Identifier: Text-S26879
Title: Seismicity studies for earthquake prediction in southern California using a mobile seismographic array
Creator(s): Kanamori, H.; McNally, Karen

Icon Identifier: Text-S27026
Title: Earthquake and seismicity research using SCARLET and CEDAR : [final technical report]
Creator(s): Minster, J. B.; McNally, Karen