Identifier: Text-0509201
Title: A Simple Model of Generalized Plasticity
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300013
Title: A Uniaxial Model for Shape-Memory Alloys
Creator(s): Auricchio, Ferdinando; Lubliner, Jacob; Taylor, Robert L.
Identifier: Text-300014
Title: A Theory for Continua Undergoing Phase Transitions
Creator(s): Auricchio, Ferdinando; Lubliner, Jacob; Taylor, Robert L.
Identifier: Text-300024
Title: Investigations of Nonlinear Behavior of Concrete
Creator(s): Panoskaltsis, Vassilis P.; Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300042
Title: An Anisotropic Damage Model for Fiber-Composites
Creator(s): Matzenmiller, Anton; Lubliner, Jacob; Taylor, Robert L.
Identifier: Text-300045
Title: Application of a Return Map Algorithm to Plasticity and Visco-Plasticity Models
Creator(s): Auricchio, Ferdinando; Taylor, Robert L.; Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300053
Title: The Development of the Equations of a Cosserat Surface from the Virtual Power Method
Creator(s): Alves, Boris K.; Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300094
Title: The Modified Kuhn Model of Linear Viscoelasticity
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Panoskaltsis, Vassilis P.
Identifier: Text-300175
Title: An Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for The Cauchy Problem for an Inelastic Material with Memory
Creator(s): Ortiz, Miguel; Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300364
Title: Shock waves in materials with nonlinear instantaneous response
Creator(s): Green, Robert J.; Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300365
Title: A fading memory theorem for materials with internal variables
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300367
Title: Some wave propagation problems in plastic-viscoplastic materials
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Valathur, Munirathnam
Identifier: Text-300395
Title: A Study of the Thermodynamics of One-Dimensional Deformations of Nonlinear Materials Characterized by Quasilinear Differential Constitutive Equations
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300428
Title: A Technique for the Calculation of Acceleration Waves in Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300429
Title: Approximate Constitutive Equations for the Short-Time Behavior of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300430
Title: The Propagation of Shock Waves in Semilinear Viscoelastic Materials
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Secor, Glenn A.
Identifier: Text-300431
Title: The Propagation of Shock Waves in Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Secor, Glenn A.
Identifier: Text-300443
Title: On Reciprocity in General Linear Viscoelasticity
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300444
Title: A Uniqueness Theorem for Aging Viscoelastic Bodies
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300448
Title: Model Representation of Aging Viscoelastic Materials
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-300450
Title: Differential Constitutive Equations for Aging Viscoelastic Materials
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-91000738
Title: Studies on high-frequency vibrations of buildings - 1: the column effect
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob
Identifier: Text-S24579
Title: Investigations of nonlinear behavior of concrete : CE 299 report
Creator(s): Panoskaltsis, Vassilis P.; Lubliner, Jacob