The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S21403
Title: A library for object oriented programming in C
Creator(s): Zhang, H.; White, D. W.; Chen, Wai F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S21410
Title: An object-oriented matrix manipulation library
Creator(s): Zhang, H.; White, D. W.; Chen, Wai F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S21412
Title: The SESDE object library manual
Creator(s): Zhang, H.; White, D. W.; Chen, Wai F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S21462
Title: A beam-column strength method for second-order inelastic analysis of steel frames
Creator(s): Chen, Wai F.; White, D. W.; King, W. S.

Icon Identifier: Text-S21463
Title: A modified plastic hinge method for second-order inelastic analysis of steel semi-rigid frames
Creator(s): King, W. S.; White, D. W.; Chen, Wai F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31060
Title: Domain-specific object-oriented environment for parallel computing
Creator(s): Sotelino, Elisa D.; White, D. W.; Chen, Wai F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31499
Title: High performance computing in civil engineering applications
Creator(s): Chen, Wai F.; Sotelino, E. D.; White, D. W.

Icon Identifier: Text-S35228
Title: Innovations in stability concepts and methods for seismic design in structural steel
Creator(s): White, D. W.; Chen, Wai F.