Identifier: Text-S21353
Title: Evaluation of seismic design of Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant : exhibit 15,700
Creator(s): Agbabian, M. S.
Identifier: Text-S21357
Title: Earthquakes of the Armenian Highlands (seismic setting)
Creator(s): Karapetian, Nadezhda K.; Gorfunkel, Michael; Agbabian, M. S.
Identifier: Text-S30712
Title: Ultimate capacity of struts subjected to eccentric loads
Creator(s): Agbabian, M. S.
Identifier: Text-S31283
Title: Seismic analysis of two lift slab buildings in Armenia
Creator(s): Anderson, J. C.; Agbabian, M. S.
Identifier: Text-S35479
Title: Proposal for experimental and analytical studies of nonlinear structural systems under earthquake loads
Creator(s): Agbabian, M. S.
Identifier: Text-S38361
Title: Evaluation of seismic mitigation measures for art objects
Creator(s): Agbabian, M. S.; Masri, S. F.; Nigbor, R. L.
Identifier: Text-S38761
Title: Dynamic response of structures to combined effects of ground shock and air blast
Creator(s): Isenberg, Jeremy; Agbabian, M. S.; Lee, Li C.