Identifier: Text-1224159
Title: Seismic performance of well-confined concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-1260366
Title: Behavior of reinforced concrete bridge columns having varying aspect ratios and varying lengths of confinement
Creator(s): Calderone, Anthony J.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-2005121454
Title: Seismic Design Criteria for CFT Braced Frame Connections
Creator(s): Roeder, Charles W.; MacRae, Gregory A.; Gunderson, Chad A.; Lehman, Dawn E.
Identifier: Text-200610062
Title: Seismic performance of damaged bridge columns
Creator(s): Elkin, S. J.; Nacamuli, Adrian M.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-2007030812
Title: Performance characterization of non-ductile reinforced concrete frame components
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.
Identifier: Text-200803262
Title: Bar buckling in reinforced concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Brown, Wayne A.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-2009012610
Title: Improved seismic design of concentrically braced frames and gusset plate connections
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Roeder, Charles W.
Identifier: Text-200907231
Title: First draft report on review of existing seismic research results
Creator(s): Moehle, Jack P.; Nicoletti, Joseph P.; Lehman, Dawn E.
Identifier: Text-201202074
Title: Seismic vunerability of older braced frames
Creator(s): Hsiao, Po-Chien; Lehman, Dawn E.; Berman, Jeffrey W.; Roeder, Charles W.
Identifier: Text-201202081
Title: AISC T.R. Higgins Paper : SCBF gusset plate connection design
Creator(s): Roeder, Charles W.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Lumpkin, Eric; Hsiao, Po-Chien
Identifier: Text-201202085
Title: Seismic behavior of a modern concrete coupled wall
Creator(s): Turgeon, Jacob; Lowes, Laura N.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Kuchma, Daniel A.; Hart, Chris; Marley, Ken
Identifier: Text-201307104
Title: Rapid construction of bridge pier with improved seismic performance
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Roeder, Charles W.
Identifier: Text-201402251
Title: Seismic performance of special concentrically braced frames with buckling restrained braces
Creator(s): Roeder, Charles W.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Christopulos, Adam
Identifier: Text-201402256
Title: Experimental investigation of column foundation connections for concrete filled high strength steel tubes
Creator(s): Kingsley, Angela; Williams, Travis; Lehman, Dawn E.; Roeder, Charles W.
Identifier: Text-201403195
Title: Improved seismic design of special concentrically braced frames
Creator(s): Herman, D.; Johnson, S.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Roeder, Charles W.
Identifier: Text-2014032614
Title: Influence of longitudinal reinforcement ratio on column response
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-201405073
Title: Evaluation methods for reinforced concrete columns and connections
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Lynn, Abraham C.; Aschheim, Mark A.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-201412037
Title: Seismic performance of reinforced concrete beam-column joints
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Mosier, W. Greg; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-201412106
Title: Influence of joint shear stress demand and displacement history on the seismic performance of beam-column joints
Creator(s): Walker, Steven G.; Yeargin, C. M.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-201503061
Title: Behavior and design of slender columns subjected to lateral loading
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Calderone, Anthony J.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-201503062
Title: Design of an experimental study on the influence of aspect ratio and longitudinal reinforcement ratio
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Moehle, Jack P.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-2015040219
Title: Repair of moderately and severly damaged bridge columns
Creator(s): Elkin, Sharon J.; Nacamuli, Adrian M.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-201507012
Title: Performance based seismic avaluation of existing joints
Creator(s): Walker, Steven G.; Yeargin, C. M.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-2016020315
Title: Survey and testing of pre-1988 braced frame structures from the west coast of the United States
Creator(s): Sloat, Dan; Roeder, Charles W.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Berman, Jeffrey W.
Identifier: Text-201602032
Title: Experimental strain fields of reinforced concrete walls for validation of numerical models
Creator(s): Birley Anna C.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Lowes, Laura N.
Identifier: Text-S32365
Title: Review of seismic research results on existing buildings : product 3.1 of the Proposition 122 Seismic Retrofit Practices Improvement Program
Creator(s): Moehle, Jack P.; Nicoletti, Joseph P.; Lehman, Dawn E.
Identifier: Text-S33260
Title: Improving the performance of steel moment frame connections
Creator(s): Stickmon, Janet; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Lehman, Dawn E.
Identifier: Text-S34682
Title: Northridge earthquake structural seminar
Creator(s): Filippou, Filip C.; Lehman, Dawn E.; McMullin, Kurt M.
Identifier: Text-S39681
Title: Towards a consistent formulation of the plastic hinge length method
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.
Identifier: Image-NM0396
Title: Testing concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.