Identifier: Text-S21285
Title: SEISRISK III : a computer program for seismic hazard estimation
Creator(s): Bender, Bernice; Perkins, David M.
Identifier: Text-S26597
Title: A probabilistic estimate of maximum acceleration in rock in the contiguous United States
Creator(s): Algermissen, Sylvester T.; Perkins, David M.
Identifier: Text-S26598
Title: SEISRISK II : a computer program for seismic hazard estimation
Creator(s): Bender, Bernice; Perkins, David M.
Identifier: Text-S26639
Title: Probabilistic estimates of maximum seismic horizontal gound motion on rock in the Pacific Northwest and the adjacent outer continental shelf
Creator(s): Perkins, David M.
Identifier: Text-S35282
Title: Seismic sources and recurrence rates as adopted by USGS staff for the production of the 1982 and 1990 probabilistic ground motion maps for Alaska and the conterminous United States
Creator(s): Hanson, Stanley L.; Perkins, David M.
Identifier: Text-S37112
Title: A reconnaissance assessment of probabilistic earthquake accelerations at the Nevada Test Site
Creator(s): Perkins, David M.
Identifier: Text-S37746
Title: Research, methodology, and applications of probabilistic seismic-hazard mapping of the central and eastern United States minutes of a workshop on June 13-14, 2000, at Saint Louis University
Creator(s): Wheeler, Russell L.; Perkins, David M.