The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S21086
Title: Distribution of lateral seismic forces along the height of a building
Creator(s): Ishiyama, Yuji

Icon Identifier: Text-S23153
Title: Comparison of NBC (1985) seismic provisions with Japanese seismic regulations (1981)
Creator(s): Ishiyama, Yuji

Icon Identifier: Text-S23686
Title: A proposal of a new aseismic design method for buildings
Creator(s): Ishiyama, Yuji

Icon Identifier: Text-S24556
Title: An evaluation method for the earthquake resistant capacity of reinforced concrete and steel reinforced concrete construction
Creator(s): Ozaki, Masakazu; Ishiyama, Yuji

Icon Identifier: Text-S27151
Title: Review and discussion on overturning of bodies by earthquake motion
Creator(s): Ishiyama, Yuji

Icon Identifier: Text-S27152
Title: Draft - Review and discussion on overturning of bodies by earthquake motions
Creator(s): Ishiyama, Yuji

Icon Identifier: Text-S29034
Title: Motions of rigid bodies in response to earthquake excitations: equations of motions and computer simulation
Creator(s): Ishiyama, Yuji

Icon Identifier: Text-S29666
Title: Motions of rigid bodies and criteria for overturning by earthquake excitations
Creator(s): Ishiyama, Yuji

Icon Identifier: Text-S39625
Title: Guidelines for earthquake resistant non-engineered construction
Creator(s): Arya, Anand S.; Boen, Teddy; Ishiyama, Yuji