Identifier: Text-S21054
Title: A Reader on earthquake hazard reduction in the central United States : to accompany training courses
Creator(s): Huey, Linda
Identifier: Text-S21627
Title: Proceedings of Conference XLIX : a meeting of the U.S. ad hoc working group on "Earthquake related casualties" ; July 13, 1989, Baltimore, Maryland
Creator(s): Hays, Walter W.; Huey, Linda
Identifier: Text-S30152
Title: Proceedings of conference LX : 4th annual workshop on "Earthquake Hazards in the Puget Sound and Portland Areas", April 16-19, 1990, Seattle, Washington
Creator(s): Walsh, Timothy J.; Huey, Linda
Identifier: Text-S31725
Title: The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) : postearthquake investigations ; a report of the Interagency Coordinating Committee's Subcommittee on Postearthquake Investigations
Creator(s): Hays, Walter W.; Huey, Linda