Identifier: Text-S21040
Title: Wind tunnel study of wind loads on and snowdrift around the buildings for antarctic use
Creator(s): Kim, D. H.; Kwok, K. C.; Rohde, H. R.
Identifier: Text-S25455
Title: The effect of tuned mass dampers and liquid dampers on wind-induced response of tall/slender structures
Creator(s): Xu, Y. L.; Kwok, K. C.; Samali, Bijan
Identifier: Text-S25456
Title: Control of wind-induced tall building vibration by tuned mass dampers
Creator(s): Xu, Y. L.; Kwok, K. C.; Samali, Bijan
Identifier: Text-S25810
Title: Dynamics of a freestanding steel lighting tower
Creator(s): Kwok, K. C.
Identifier: Text-S31573
Title: Assessment of envionmental wind conditions by wind tunnel model studies
Creator(s): Kwok, K. C.