Identifier: Text-S21039
Title: Seismic effects on elevated transit lines of the New York City Transit Authority
Creator(s): Costantino, C. J.; Miller, C. A.; Heymsfield, E.
Identifier: Text-S23078
Title: Soil-structure interaction methods: summary report
Creator(s): Miller, C. A.
Identifier: Text-S23079
Title: Soil-structure interaction methods: SLAVE code
Creator(s): Costantino, C. J.; Miller, C. A.
Identifier: Text-S23412
Title: Soil-structure interaction methods: SIM code
Creator(s): Miller, C. A.; Costantino, C. J.
Identifier: Text-S23413
Title: Soil-structure interaction methods: SLAM code
Creator(s): Miller, C. A.; Costantino, C. J.
Identifier: Text-S30462
Title: Verification of soil-structure interaction methods
Creator(s): Miller, C. A.
Identifier: Text-S30605
Title: Effects of inclined seismic waves on soil-fluid-structure interaction
Creator(s): Xu, J.; Miller, C. A.; Costantino, C. J.
Identifier: Text-S30719
Title: Consideration of uncertainties in soil-structure interaction computations
Creator(s): Costantino, C. J.; Miller, C. A.
Identifier: Text-S38311
Title: Assessment of the relevance of displacement based design methods/criteria to nuclear plant structures
Creator(s): Wang, Y. K.; Miller, C. A.; Hofmayer, C. H.