Identifier: Text-2005121438
Title: An Unloading and Reloading Stress-Strain Model for Concrete Confined by Tie Reinforcements
Creator(s): Sakai, Junichi; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-200604266
Title: Seismic performance of reinforced concrete C-bent columns based on a hybrid loading test
Creator(s): Nagata, Seiji; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Watanabe, Gakuho
Identifier: Text-2008032613
Title: Impact of Hanshin/Awaji, Japan, earthquake on seismic design and seismic strengthening of highway bridges
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-200809093
Title: Effect of post-elastic stiffness on the response of single degree of freedom structures
Creator(s): MacRae, Gregory A.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-200901273
Title: Sesimic performance of rectangular columns and interlocking spiral columns
Creator(s): Matsumoto, T.; Okstad, Eric; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-200910289
Title: Scale effect on the shear strength of reinforced concrete columns with termination of main reinforcements
Creator(s): Sasaki, Tomohiro; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-201204034
Title: Engineering agenda on nuclear safety from the 2011 Tohoku-Pacific earthquake
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-2012041311
Title: Evaluation of strong ground motions of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake based on nonlinear response of standard bridges
Creator(s): Matsuzaki, Hiroshi; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-201204135
Title: CFD analysis of bridge deck failure due to tsunami
Creator(s): Bricker, Jeremy D.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Nakayama, Akihiko
Identifier: Text-2013022710
Title: Damage to highway bridges and other lifeline systems from the Miyagiken-oki, Japan earthquake of June 12, 1978
Creator(s): Kuribayashi, Eiichi; Shioi, Yukitake; Tazaki, T.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-201311061
Title: Damping characteristics of cable-stayed bridges
Creator(s): Iwasaki, Toshio; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Unjoh, Shigeki
Identifier: Text-201404164
Title: Hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete bridge piers by dynamic loading tests and shaking table tests
Creator(s): Iwasaki, Toshio; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Hasegawa, Kinji; Koyama, Tatsuhiko; Yoshida, Takeshi
Identifier: Text-2014051612
Title: Analytical study on the parameters affecting seismic torsion in skewed bridge piers
Creator(s): Tirasit, P.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-201407081
Title: Seismic performance requirement of highway bridges
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Miyaii, K.
Identifier: Text-201407083
Title: Effect of bilateral excitation on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Ogimoto, H.; Hayakawa, R.; Watanabe, Gakuho
Identifier: Text-2014071414
Title: Effect of combined cyclic flexural - torsional loading on the seismic performance of RC columns
Creator(s): Tirasit, P.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Watanabe, Gakuho
Identifier: Text-201407145
Title: Displacement response control of seismic -excited nonlinear isolated bridges
Creator(s): Lee, T. Y.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-201407146
Title: Response analysis of reinforced concrete C-bent columns
Creator(s): Nagata, Seiji; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Watanabe, Gakuho
Identifier: Text-201407148
Title: Seismic response of RC C-bent columns based on a hybrid loading test
Creator(s): Nagata, Seiji; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Watanabe, Gakuho
Identifier: Text-201407149
Title: Semi-active control of seismic-excited nonlinear isolated bridges
Creator(s): Lee, T. Y.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-2014110511
Title: An Analysis on the seismic performance levels of bridges
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-201601209
Title: Remarkable design examples of recent application of seismic isolation to new and reconstructed viaducts in Japan
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-318206
Title: Second U.S.-Japan Workshop on Seismic Retrofit of Bridges: January 20 and 21, 1994, Berkeley, California
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-61000516
Title: Correlative investigations on theoretical and experimental dynamic behavior of a model bridge structure
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-Lib050134
Title: Experimental investigation on hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete bridge pier columns
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Hagiwara, Ryoji; Hasegawa, Kinji; Koyama, Tatsuhiko; Yoshida, Takeshi
Identifier: Text-LIB050217
Title: The 1996 Seismic Design Specifications of Highway Bridges
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Unjoh, Shigeki
Identifier: Text-S25490
Title: Seismic response analysis of bridges with emphasis on discontinuous behavior in expansion joints and soil-structure interaction
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-S27209
Title: Earthquake resistant design of submerged tunnels and an example of its application
Creator(s): Kuribayashi, Eiichi; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-S28633
Title: Damage to civil engineering structures due to the near Izu-Ohshima earthquake of January 14, 1978
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-S29226
Title: Correlation of experimental and analytical studies for the seismic response of highway bridges
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko