Identifier: Text-S20685
Title: Nonlinear design of concrete structures
Creator(s): Cohn, M. Z.
Identifier: Text-S25182
Title: Engineering plasticity by mathematical programming : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, August 2-12, 1977
Creator(s): Cohn, M. Z.; Maier, G.; Grierson, D. E.
Identifier: Text-S25717
Title: An elastic-plastic analysis computer system
Creator(s): Franchi, A.; Grierson, Donald E.; Cohn, M. Z.
Identifier: Text-S28614
Title: Limit analysis of reinforced concrete arch bridges
Creator(s): Ronca, Paola; Cohn, M. Z.
Identifier: Text-S38716
Title: Optimal design of reinforced concrete structures
Creator(s): Cohn, M. Z.
Identifier: Text-S38807
Title: Multi-criteria probabilistic structural design
Creator(s): Cohn, M. Z.; Parimi, S. R.
Identifier: Text-S39746
Title: Inelasticity of reinforced concrete and structural standards
Creator(s): Cohn, M. Z.