The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S20644
Title: Seismic engineering, research and practice : proceedings of the sessions related to seismic engineering at Structures Congress '89, San Francisco Hilton, San Francisco, CA, May 1-5, 1989
Creator(s): Kircher, C. A.; Chopra, Anil K.

Icon Identifier: Text-S24885
Title: Determination of the dynamic characteristics of full scale structures by the application of Fourier analysis
Creator(s): Kircher, C. A.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31165
Title: Measurements of dynamic characteristics of electrical equipment
Creator(s): Shah, Haresh C.; Kircher, C. A.; Agaskar, Vishnu L.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31166
Title: Measurements of dynamic characteristics of electrical equipment
Creator(s): Shah, Haresh C.; Kircher, C. A.; Agaskar, Vishnu L.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31167
Title: Measurements of dynamic characteristics of electrical equipment
Creator(s): Shah, Haresh C.; Kircher, C. A.; Agaskar, Vishnu L.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31168
Title: Measurements of dynamic characteristics of electrical equipment
Creator(s): Shah, Haresh C.; Kircher, C. A.; Agaskar, Vishnu L.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31169
Title: Measurements of dynamic characteristics of electrical equipment
Creator(s): Shah, Haresh C.; Kircher, C. A.; Agaskar, Vishnu L.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31170
Title: Measurements of dynamic characteristics of electrical equipment
Creator(s): Shah, Haresh C.; Kircher, C. A.; Agaskar, Vishnu L.

Icon Identifier: Text-S37041
Title: Earthquake spectra, theme issue : seismic design provisions and guidelines
Creator(s): Hamburger, R. O.; Kircher, C. A.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39409
Title: Procedures for developing HAZUS-compatible building-specific damages and loss functions
Creator(s): Kircher, C. A.