Identifier: Text-S31044
Title: Buckling of longitudinally stiffened plates in bending and compression
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S31048
Title: Shear and torsion design in the new Australian standard for concrete structures
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S31129
Title: A reliable numerical method for simulating the post-failure behaviour of concrete frame structures
Creator(s): Sun, C. H.; Bradford, M. A.; Gilbert, R. I.
Identifier: Text-S31385
Title: Postbuckled stiffness of composite tee-beams subjected to hogging bending
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Azhari, M.
Identifier: Text-S31387
Title: Parameters affecting the distortional buckling of tapered steel members
Creator(s): Ronagh, H. R.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S31389
Title: Some notes on finite element buckling formulations for beams
Creator(s): Ronagh, H. R.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S31446
Title: Elastic local buckling behaviour of thin steel plates in profiled composite beams
Creator(s): Uy, Brian; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S31447
Title: The use of bubble functions for the post-local buckling of plate assemblies by the finite strip method
Creator(s): Azhari, M.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32515
Title: Ductility and member behavior of profiled composite beams
Creator(s): Uy, Brian; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32516
Title: Ducility and member behavior of profiled composite beams : Part one, experimental study
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Uy, Brian
Identifier: Text-S32517
Title: Buckling of plates with different end conditions using the finite strip method
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Azhari, M.
Identifier: Text-S32518
Title: Design strength of slender concrete-filled rectangular steel tubes
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Nguyen, S. H.
Identifier: Text-S32519
Title: Elastic distortional buckling of overhanging beams
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32520
Title: The use of bubble functions for the stability of plates with different end conditions
Creator(s): Azhari, M.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32523
Title: A rational model for the distortional buckling of tapered members
Creator(s): Ronagh, H. R.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32524
Title: Inelastic local buckling behaviour of thin steel plates in profiled composite beams
Creator(s): Uy, Brian; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32525
Title: Local buckling of cold formed steel sheeting in profiled composite beams at service loads
Creator(s): Uy, Brian; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32526
Title: Local buckling of cold formed steel in composite structural elements at elevated temperatures
Creator(s): Uy, Brian; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32527
Title: Local buckling push tests for composite steel-concrete members
Creator(s): Uy, Brian; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S33782
Title: Elastic distortional buckling of continuous I-beams
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Ge, X. P.
Identifier: Text-S33783
Title: Lateral-distortional buckling of contiuously restrained columns
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S33785
Title: A modified Newmark method for the stability of columns
Creator(s): Yazdi, N. A.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S33787
Title: Service load analysis of slender R-C columns
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S33864
Title: Time-dependent moment redistribution in continuous composite beams
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Gilbert, R. I.
Identifier: Text-S33971
Title: Lateral-distortional buckling of tapered composite beams
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Ronagh, H. R.
Identifier: Text-S34190
Title: Elastic distortional buckling of T-section cantilevers
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S34191
Title: Short and long-term behaviour of axially loaded composite profiled walls
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Wright, H. D.
Identifier: Text-S34429
Title: Generalised elastic buckling of restrained I-beams by the fem
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Rohagh, H. R.
Identifier: Text-S34632
Title: Inelastic buckling of I-beams with continuous elastic tension flange restraint
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S34839
Title: Elastic buckling of unilaterally constrained plates in pure shear
Creator(s): Smith, S. T.; Bradford, M. A.; Oehlers, D. J.