Identifier: Text-S20589
Title: Computer methods in structural analysis
Creator(s): Harrison, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S21581
Title: Force measurement with proving rings
Creator(s): Harrison, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S22639
Title: Minicomputer techniques for non-linear structural analysis
Creator(s): Harrison, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S25256
Title: Non-linear elastic analysis of unguyed towers and stacks
Creator(s): Harrison, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S25798
Title: Post-buckling behaviour of elastic circular arches
Creator(s): Harrison, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S30222
Title: Inplane stability of parabolic arches
Creator(s): Harrison, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S30249
Title: Large deformation analysis of submerged ring frames
Creator(s): Harrison, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S30252
Title: General computer analysis of beams on elastic foundations
Creator(s): Harrison, H. B.