Identifier: Text-21001028
Title: Literature survey -- seismic effects on highway bridges
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Penzien, Joseph; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050134
Title: Experimental investigation on hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete bridge pier columns
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Hagiwara, Ryoji; Hasegawa, Kinji; Koyama, Tatsuhiko; Yoshida, Takeshi
Identifier: Text-S22791
Title: Earthquake-resistant design of bridges in Japan
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.
Identifier: Text-S27244
Title: Tsunamis : their science and engineering : proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium, 1981 IUGG Tsunami Commission, May, 1981, Sendai-Ofunato-Kamaishi, Japan
Creator(s): Iida, Kumiji; Iwasaki, T.
Identifier: Text-S28633
Title: Damage to civil engineering structures due to the near Izu-Ohshima earthquake of January 14, 1978
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-S37350
Title: Tsunami caused by Chile earthquake in May, 1960 and outline of disasters in northeastern coasts of Japan
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Horikawa, Kiyoshi
Identifier: Text-S39369
Title: Observation of underground seismic motions at four sites around Tokyo Bay
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Wakabayashi, Susumu; Tatsuoka, Fumio
Identifier: Text-S39841
Title: Studies on soil liquefaction observed during the Miyagi-Ken Oki earthquake of June 12, 1978
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Tokida, Ken i.