Identifier: Software-NEABSZIP
Title: NEABS: Nonlinear Earthquake Analysis of Bridge Systems
Creator(s): Tseng, Wen S.; Penzien, Joseph; Imbsen, Roy A.; Liu, Wen David
Identifier: Text-0509271
Title: Evaluation of energy absorption characteristics of highway bridges under seismic conditions, Vol. 2
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-111001742
Title: NEABS: nonlinear earthquake analysis of bridge systems
Creator(s): Penzien, Joseph; Imbsen, Roy A.; Liu, Wen David
Identifier: Text-121000948
Title: SEISAB-I -- SEISmic Analysis of Bridges: User manual and example problems
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-2008031311
Title: Seismic design of bridges
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-2008032611
Title: Seismic retrofit of the north approach viaduct of the Golden Gate Bridge
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Schamber, Robert A.; Davis, Gerald V.
Identifier: Text-201005104
Title: Seismic evaluation of Benicia-Martinez Bridge
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Liu, Wen David
Identifier: Text-201007202
Title: An Investigation of the effectiveness of existing bridge design methodology in providing adequate structural resistance to seismic disturbances (Phase VII - Summary)
Creator(s): Godden, William G.; Imbsen, Roy A.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-201304175
Title: An Evaluation of current seismic design practices using earthquake response measurements on bridges
Creator(s): Liu, Wen David; Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-201310257
Title: Friction pendulum technology for industrial facilities, bridges and buildings
Creator(s): Zayas, Victor A.; Low, Stanley S.; Mokha, Anoop S.; Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-201404155
Title: Evaluation of energy absorption characteristics of highway bridges under seismic conditions
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Liu, Wen David
Identifier: Text-2015070913
Title: Seismic isolation of two large bridges
Creator(s): Zayas, Victor A.; Mokha, Anoop S.; Low, Stanley S.; Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-81001007
Title: Seismic response of bridges -- case studies
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Nutt, Richard V.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-8517
Title: Evaluation of energy absorption characteristics of highway bridges under seismic conditions, Vol. 1
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-S19780
Title: Analysis of bridge truck loads
Creator(s): Liu, Wen D.; Cornell, C. A.; Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-S19959
Title: Earthquake resistant bridge bearings
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Schamber, Robert A.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-S20427
Title: Evaluation of energy absorption characteristics of highway bridges under seismic conditions
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-S22159
Title: Highway structure damage caused by the Trinidad-offshore, California earthquake of November 8, 1980
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-S22769
Title: An investigation of the effectiveness of existing bridge design methodololgy in providing adequate structural resistance to seismic disturbances : Phase VII summary : final report
Creator(s): Godden, W. G.; Imbsen, Roy A.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-S22785
Title: Applications of the 1973 California earthquake design criteria
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-S22829
Title: Seismic design of highway bridges : [workshop manual]
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-S22904
Title: SEISAB-I : SEISmic Analysis of Bridges
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-S23038
Title: NEABS: nonlinear earthquake analysis of bridge systems
Creator(s): Penzien, Joseph; Imbsen, Roy A.; Liu, Wen D.
Identifier: Text-S23077
Title: SEISAB-I: SEISmic Analysis of Bridges : workshop manual
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Lea, Jon; Gates, James H.
Identifier: Text-S23417
Title: Seismic design of bridges--history
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.
Identifier: Text-S29164
Title: Evaluation of analytical procedures used in bridge seismic design practice
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Nutt, Richard V.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-S34062
Title: Establish representative pier types for comprehensive study : western United States
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.; Schamber, Robert A.; Osterkamp, Timothy A.
Identifier: Text-S35027
Title: Structural details to accommodate seismic movements of highway bridges and retaining walls
Creator(s): Imbsen, Roy A.