Identifier: Text-2010031117
Title: Pore water pressure changes in saturated sand during one- and two- dimensional shaking table tests
Creator(s): Ueng, T. S.; Chen, C. H.; Chen, H. W.
Identifier: Text-201406232
Title: Dynamic responses of saturated sand in the bi-axial laminar shear box under multi-directional tables tests
Creator(s): Chen, C. H.; Ueng, T. S.
Identifier: Text-201411066
Title: Displacement based seismic design and performance evaluation tests of a full-scale BRB composite frame
Creator(s): Tsai, K. C.; Weng, Yuan-Tao; Lin, M. L.; Chen, C. H.; Hsiao, P. C.
Identifier: Text-201504154
Title: A Simple model for pore pressure build-up of soil under dynamic loadings
Creator(s): Hwang, J. H.; Chen, C. H.
Identifier: Text-S20386
Title: Bedrock accelerations in Memphis area due to large New Madrid earthquakes
Creator(s): Hwang, Howard H.; Chen, C. H.; Yu, G.
Identifier: Text-S20857
Title: Seismic hazard along a crude oil pipeline in the event of an 1811-1812 type New Madrid earthquake
Creator(s): Hwang, H. H.; Chen, C. H.
Identifier: Text-S34580
Title: Correlation study between ambient data and strong motion data of SMART-1 array site
Creator(s): Yeh, C. S.; Loh, C. H.; Chen, C. H.
Identifier: Text-S34604
Title: Soil-structure interaction analysis for large scale seismic test at Lotung
Creator(s): Chen, C. H.
Identifier: Text-S34639
Title: Ambient vibrations of quarter scale containment model in Lotung
Creator(s): Chen, C. H.; Tsai, I. C.; Yeh, C. S.