Identifier: Software-FEQDRAINZIP
Title: FEQDRAIN: Analysis of Earthquake Generation and Dissipation of Pore Water Pressure in Layered Sand Deposits with Vertical Drains
Creator(s): Pestana, Juan M.; Hunt, Christopher E.; Goughnour, Roy R.
Identifier: Text-200802253
Title: Geotechnical field measurements after pile installation in soft clay deposit
Creator(s): Hunt, Christopher E.; Pestana, Juan M.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-200805221
Title: UC Berkeley geotechnical testing for the east bay crossing of the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge
Creator(s): Kammerer, Ann Marie; Hunt, Christopher E.; Riemer, Michael F.
Identifier: Text-201503312
Title: Effect of pile installation on the shear wave velocity of a soft clay deposit
Creator(s): Hunt, Christopher E.; Pestana, Juan M.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-323948
Title: FEQDrain: a finite element computer program for the analysis of the earthquake generation and dissipation of pore water pressure in layered sand deposits with vertical drains
Creator(s): Pestana, Juan M.; Hunt, Christopher E.; Goughnour, Roy R.