Identifier: Text-201403263
Title: The European in-situ assessment manual for important existing structures
Creator(s): Flesch, Rainer G.
Identifier: Text-S20354
Title: Earthquake engineering: a state-of-the-art-report : 14. European Regional Seminar on Earthquake Engineering, September 26-30, 1988, Ossiach, Austria
Creator(s): Ziegler, Franz; Flesch, Rainer G.
Identifier: Text-S24216
Title: Bericht zum Schwingungsversuch an der Kolnbreinsperre (Maltatal) bei vollem Staubecken (9.-13. Okt. 1979) [Report on dynamical in situ tests on the Kolnbrein Arch Dam, Malta Valley, Oct. 9-13, 1978]
Creator(s): Flesch, Rainer G.