Identifier: Text-S20305
Title: Seismic behavior of flat slab high-rise buildings in the New York City area
Creator(s): Weidlinger, Paul; Ettouney, Mohammed M.
Identifier: Text-S24049
Title: Seismic analysis of pipelines with interference response spectra
Creator(s): Weidlinger, Paul
Identifier: Text-S24056
Title: Effect of local inhomogeneity on the dynamic response of pipelines
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Weidlinger, Paul; Baron, Melvin L.
Identifier: Text-S24060
Title: Role of Coulomb friction in the seismic response of buried pipes : general introduction and overview
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Weidlinger, Paul; Parnes, R.
Identifier: Text-S24068
Title: Behaviour of underground lifelines in seismic environment
Creator(s): Weidlinger, Paul
Identifier: Text-S27593
Title: Aluminum in modern architecture
Creator(s): Peter, John; Weidlinger, Paul
Identifier: Text-S27596
Title: Dynamic seismic analysis of long segmented lifelines
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Weidlinger, Paul
Identifier: Text-S29523
Title: Dynamic seismic analysis of long segmented lifelines
Creator(s): Nelson, Ivan; Weidlinger, Paul
Identifier: Text-S37950
Title: Shear field panel bracing
Creator(s): Weidlinger, Paul
Identifier: Text-S39010
Title: Seismic analysis of lifelines with interference response spectra
Creator(s): Weidlinger, Paul; Nelson, Ivan