Identifier: Text-S20181
Title: Regional seismicity studies, east Mediterranean and West Africa
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S20182
Title: Regional seismicity studies, northwest Europe & UK
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Jackson, J. A.
Identifier: Text-S20564
Title: The Spitak (Armenia, USSR) earthquake of 7 December 1988 : a preliminary seismology report
Creator(s): Bommer, J. J.; Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S20881
Title: The Chenoua (Algeria) earthquake of 29 October 1989
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S20927
Title: UNESCO earthquake reconnaissance mission reports 1963-1981
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S21751
Title: Conservation des monuments de l'Acropole et les mesures de sauvegarde envisagees
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S21787
Title: The Gemona di Friuli earthquake of 6 May 1976
Creator(s): Pichard, Pierre; Ambraseys, N. N.; Ziogas, G. N.
Identifier: Text-S22223
Title: A re-appraisal of the Friuli 1976 & Romanian 1977 earthquakes. Invited paper
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S22235
Title: An earthquake engineering viewpoint of the Skopje earthquake, 26th July, 1963
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S22239
Title: Seismic environment: the Skopje earthquake of July 1963
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S22247
Title: The Romanian earthquake of 4th March 1977. Preliminary report of UNESCO Earthquake Reconnaissance Mission
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S22279
Title: The Pattan earthquake of 28 December 1974
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S22305
Title: Ghir earthquake of 10 April 1972
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Moinfar, A. A.; Tchalenko, J. S.
Identifier: Text-S22308
Title: The Gisk earthquake of 19 December 1977 and the seismicity of the Kuhbanan fault-zone
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Arsovski, M.; Moinfar, A. A.
Identifier: Text-S22395
Title: Turkey: The Varto-Ustukran (E. Anatolia) earthquake of 19 August 1966. A field report
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S22408
Title: Republique Socialiste de Roumanie: le tremblement de terre du 4 mars 1977
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Despeyroux, J.
Identifier: Text-S23362
Title: Earthquake destruction of adobe villages in Iran; effect of the earthquake of 31st August 1968 on the villages of the Nimbluk Valley
Creator(s): Tchalenko, J. S.; Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S23669
Title: [Selected papers] 19-21 Dec. 1977
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Mainstone, R. J.; Pichard, Pierre
Identifier: Text-S26375
Title: Report
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S26505
Title: A history of Persian earthquakes
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Melville, C. P.
Identifier: Text-S26536
Title: Iran earthquakes 1969
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Moinfar, A. A.
Identifier: Text-S26537
Title: Iran earthquakes 1970
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Moinfar, A. A.; Amin, M.
Identifier: Text-S26621
Title: The seismicity of western Scandinavia
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S26659
Title: Dynamic behaviour of rock masses
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Hendron, A. J.
Identifier: Text-S27234
Title: The Karnaveh earthquake of 30 July 1970
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S27265
Title: Lectures and discussions by Prof. N. N. Ambraseys on engineering seismology and earthquake engineering, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station April-May l973
Creator(s): Johnson, Stanley J.; Heller, Lyman W.; Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S27626
Title: The Turshiz (Kashmar) Khorassan earthquake of 25 September, 1903
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Moinfar, A. A.
Identifier: Text-S27627
Title: The Farsinaj, Kermanshah, earthquake of 13rd December, 1957
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.
Identifier: Text-S27628
Title: The Karkhaneh (Kangavar) earthquake of 24 March, 1963
Creator(s): Ambraseys, N. N.; Moinfar, A. A.
Identifier: Text-S27630
Title: Structural analysis of the Dasht-e Bayaz (Iran) earthquake fractures
Creator(s): Tchalenko, J. S.; Ambraseys, N. N.