Identifier: Text-201302275
Title: Seismic behavior of masonry piers
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-201506109
Title: Evaluation of capacity-demand-diagram methods to predict inelastic lateral displacements
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Varas, S.; Jordan, R. M.
Identifier: Text-201511059
Title: Earthquake-resistant design in Chile after the 1985 earthquake
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-41000751
Title: Earthquake simulator study of a reinforced concrete frame
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-81001238
Title: Cyclic loading tests of masonry single piers, Volume 1 - height to width ratio of 2
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Mayes, Ronald L.; McNiven, Hugh D.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-81001239
Title: Cyclic loading tests of masonry single piers, Volume 2 - height to width ratio of 1
Creator(s): Chen, Shy-Wen J.; Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Mayes, Ronald L.; Clough, Ray W.; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-91001076
Title: Cyclic loading tests of masonry single piers, Volume 3 - height to width ratio of 0.5
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Mayes, Ronald L.; McNiven, Hugh D.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-S19067
Title: Estimacion de los niveles de solicitacion del sismo del 3 de marzo de 1985 en Santiago : usando el comportamiento de los edificios de albanileria armada
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Cruz, Ernesto F.; Luders, Sch C.
Identifier: Text-S19068
Title: Diseno sismorresistente de edificios de hormigon armado segun las normas ACI 318-83 y NZS 3101:1982
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Jordan, S. M.; Luders, Sch C.
Identifier: Text-S25318
Title: Resistencia al esfuerzo de corte de muros de albanileria armada
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Luders, Sch C.
Identifier: Text-S25321
Title: Prediccion del comportamiento sismico de edificios de albanileria armada disenados con la Especificacion tecnica 20/81
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-S25322
Title: Comportamiento sismico de edificios de albanileria armada disenados con las normas Chilenas
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Jordan, S. M.; Luders, Sch C.
Identifier: Text-S25533
Title: Curvas tension-deformacion de la albanileria y su uso para determinar la capacidad ultima de elementos de albanileria armada
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-S27887
Title: Evaluacion de las disposiciones del anteproyecto de la nueva norma NCh 433 calculo antisismico de edificios
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Arias, Arturo; Cruz, Ernesto F.
Identifier: Text-S29108
Title: Research on masonry at the University of California at Berkeley
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-S31114
Title: Earthquake simulation test two story, one bay reinforced concrete frame
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-S31363
Title: 5as Jornadas Chilenas de Sismologia e Ingenieria Antisismica 7-11 de Agosto de 1989, Santiago, Chile = [Proceedings of the Fifth Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering]
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-S31373
Title: Analisis estructural
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-S33672
Title: Rango de validez del metodo estatico de analisis sismico de edificios irregularidad torsional
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Arias, Arturo; Cruz, Z. E.
Identifier: Text-S33991
Title: Earthquake simulator study of a reinforced concrete frame
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-S34036
Title: Rango de validez del metodo estatico de analisis sismico de edificios irregularidad vertical
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Arias, Arturo; Cruz, Z. E.
Identifier: Text-S35131
Title: Influence of torsional oscillations on earthquake stresses
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.
Identifier: Text-S36542
Title: Diseno estructural
Creator(s): Riddell, Rafael; Hidalgo, Pedro A.