The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S20087
Title: Repair and strengthening of beam-to-column connections subjected to earthquake loading
Creator(s): Corazao, Miguel; Durrani, Ahmad J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20849
Title: Seismic response of connections in indeterminate r/c frame subassemblies
Creator(s): Zerbe, Hikmat E.; Durrani, Ahmad J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30409
Title: Seismic resistance of slab-column connections in existing non-ductile flat-plate buildings
Creator(s): Durrani, Ahmad J.; Du, Y.

Icon Identifier: Text-S32868
Title: Effect of a slab on the behavior of exterior beam to column connections
Creator(s): Zerbe, Hikmat E.; Durrani, Ahmad J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S37614
Title: Infill panel system for seismic strengthening of flat-plate buildings
Creator(s): Humay, Francis K.; Durrani, Ahmad J.