Identifier: Text-S19873
Title: A report identifying and describing the needs for seismic research utilizing large or full scale testing of power facility structures and equipment
Creator(s): Stevenson, Associates; Stevenson, J. D.
Identifier: Text-S20510
Title: Relay behavior at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant during the 1986 earthquake in Leroy, Ohio
Creator(s): Stevenson, J. D.; Skreiner, K. M.; Wilson, P. R.
Identifier: Text-S20799
Title: Structural analysis and design of nuclear plant facilities : draft, trial use and comment
Creator(s): Stevenson, J. D.
Identifier: Text-S21117
Title: Procedure for seismic evaluation and design of small bore piping (NCIG-14)
Creator(s): Stevenson, J. D.; Smith, P. D.
Identifier: Text-S22660
Title: Evaluation of the cost effects on nuclear power plant construction resulting from the increase in seismic design level
Creator(s): Stevenson, J. D.
Identifier: Text-S22662
Title: Selected review of regulatory standards and licensing issues for nuclear power plants
Creator(s): Stevenson, J. D.; Thomas, F. A.
Identifier: Text-S22664
Title: Selected review and evaluation of U.S. safety research vis-a-vis foreign safety research for nuclear power plants
Creator(s): Stevenson, J. D.; Thomas, F. A.
Identifier: Text-S22667
Title: Proceedings
Creator(s): Abrams, Joel I.; Stevenson, J. D.
Identifier: Text-S22966
Title: Engineering and management guide to seismic design requirements for nuclear plant equipment
Creator(s): Stevenson, J. D.
Identifier: Text-S38186
Title: Selected review of foreign safety research for nuclear power plants
Creator(s): Stevenson, J. D.; Thomas, F. A.