Identifier: Text-200809022
Title: Out-of-plane behaviour of unreinforced masonry walls: recent research progress in Australia
Creator(s): Vaculik, C.; Lumantarna, Elisa; Griffith, Michael C.; Lam, N. T. K.; Wilson, John C.
Identifier: Text-201208032
Title: Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete frames in Australia
Creator(s): Kashyap, J.; Ozbakkaloglu, T.; Griffith, Michael C.
Identifier: Text-2012081510
Title: Training engineers for urban search and rescue across the Pacific: background, current status and future challenges
Creator(s): Brunsdon, David; Bull, Des K.; Hammond, David; Griffith, Michael C.; Wilson, John
Identifier: Text-5375
Title: A displacement control and uplift restraint device for base isolated structures
Creator(s): Kelly, James M.; Griffith, Michael C.; Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Text-5391
Title: Experimental evaluation of seismic isolation of medium-rise structures subject to uplift
Creator(s): Griffith, Michael C.; Kelly, James M.; Coveney, V. A.; Koh, Chan Ghee
Identifier: Text-6966
Title: Experimental evaluation of seismic isolation of a 9-story braced steel frame subject to uplift
Creator(s): Griffith, Michael C.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-S30896
Title: Performance of unreinforced masonry buildings during the Newcastle earthquake, Australia
Creator(s): Griffith, Michael C.
Identifier: Text-S30900
Title: Seismic performance of Australian designed reinforced concrete frame buildings
Creator(s): Griffith, Michael C.
Identifier: Text-S31914
Title: Earthquake Engineering Short Course 1994 : University of Melbourne, July 25-26, 1994 ; University of Adelaide, July 28-29, 1994
Creator(s): Griffith, Michael C.; Wilson, John; Whittaker, Andrew S.
Identifier: Text-S34073
Title: Report on the January 17, 1995 great Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake
Creator(s): Pham, Lam; Griffith, Michael C.
Identifier: Text-S35863
Title: The Australian earthquake loading standard : 3 years on, how is it working and what have we learned : proceedings of a seminar held by the Australian Earthquake Engineering Society, Adelaide, 1996
Creator(s): Griffith, Michael C.; Butler, Barbara