Identifier: Text-S19747
Title: Analysis and design programs for RC structures
Creator(s): Lin, Tsung W.
Identifier: Text-S28522
Title: Aseismic design of prestressed concrete piling
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Lin, Tsung W.; Seed, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S34581
Title: Computerized structural analysis for reinforced concrete structures : program manual
Creator(s): Lin, Tsung W.; Chen, C. C.
Identifier: Text-S34583
Title: Dynamic analysis of multi-story structures
Creator(s): Lin, Tsung W.
Identifier: Text-S34584
Title: Ambient vibration and dynamic analysis of highrise buildings
Creator(s): Lin, Tsung W.; Tzong, T. J.; Tzong, Tsair J.
Identifier: Text-S34585
Title: Earthquake analysis of Techi Dam: hydrodynamic response analysis on dam foundations
Creator(s): Lin, Tsung W.; Wang, Ming H.
Identifier: Text-S34647
Title: Nonlinear and non-Gaussian random dynamic analysis of offshore structures (I)
Creator(s): Lin, Tsung W.; Tsai, I. C.; Tsaur, D. H.
Identifier: Text-S34658
Title: Seismic analysis of underground structures of Taipei Metropolitan Area Rapid Transit System
Creator(s): Lin, Tsung W.; Yeh, C. S.