Identifier: Text-S19730
Title: Proceedings of Workshop XXVIII on the Borah Peak, Idaho, Earthquake
Creator(s): Stein, Ross S.; Bucknam, Robert C.; Jacobson, Muriel
Identifier: Text-S30638
Title: Change in failure stress on the southern San Andreas fault system caused by the 1992 magnitude = 7.4 Landers earthquake
Creator(s): Stein, Ross S.; King, Geoffrey C.; Lin, Jian
Identifier: Text-S32439
Title: The Northridge, California, earthquake of January 1994 : a computer animation and paper model
Creator(s): Alpha, Tau R.; Stein, Ross S.
Identifier: Text-S32446
Title: Maps of the Northridge, California, earthquake setting, effects and deformation a 3-slide set
Creator(s): Marshall, Grant A.; Stein, Ross S.
Identifier: Text-S33545
Title: Permanent ground movement associated with the 1992 M=7 Cape Mendocino, California, earthquake : implications for damage to infrastructure and hazards to navigation
Creator(s): Stein, Ross S.; Marshall, Grant A.; Murray, Mark H.