The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1012
Title: Palacio Nacional
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1013
Title: Palacio Nacional
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1014
Title: Collapsed west end of 3-story structure
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1015
Title: General view of area
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1016
Title: General view of area
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1017
Title: Juncture of 3-story building
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1018
Title: Seriously damaged columns in first story of 3-story building
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1019
Title: Instituto Politecnico Nacional
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1020
Title: Instituto Politecnico Nacional
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1021
Title: Floor construction
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1022
Title: Top story
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1023
Title: Looking west from top story towards area where the collapse took place
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1024
Title: Looking down at remains of 3-story collapse
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1025
Title: Building with murals
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1026
Title: Note that construction joint goes through the circular column
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1027
Title: Typical wall damage
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1028
Title: Looking westerly
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1029
Title: Damaged column at north wall of first story
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1030
Title: Damaged column in north wall
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1031
Title: Damaged interior column in first-story
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1032
Title: Damaged interior column in first-story
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1033
Title: Collapsed south end
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1034
Title: Details of the collapse of the south section
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1035
Title: Collapsed south end of building
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1036
Title: Details of the collapse of the south section
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1037
Title: Details of the collapse of south section
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1038
Title: Details of the collapse of south section
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1039
Title: Ceiling resting on the chairs
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1040
Title: Construction joint between collapsed south section and the central section
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-S1041
Title: Details of failure of south section
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.