Identifier: Text-S35193
Title: Dwelling damage, Santa Rosa earthquake : Oct. 1, 1969
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S36177
Title: California earthquake zoning and probable maximum loss evaluation program : an estimate of potential insured earthquake loss from analysis of data submitted by property and casualty companies in California : California Administrative Code, Title 10, Chapter 5, Subchapter 3, Section 2307
Creator(s): Farrell, Bernard I.; Ford, Charles R.; Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S36180
Title: California earthquake zoning and probable maximum loss evaluation program : an estimate of potential insured earthquake loss from analysis of data submitted by property and casualty companies in California : California Administrative Code, Title 10, Chapter 5, Subchapter 3, Section 2307
Creator(s): Farrell, Bernard I.; Ford, Charles R.; Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S36181
Title: California earthquake zoning and probable maximum loss evaluation program : an estimate of potential insured earthquake loss from analysis of data submitted by property and casualty companies in California : California Administrative Code, Title 10, Chapter 5, Subchapter 3, Section 2307
Creator(s): Farrell, Bernard I.; Ford, Charles R.; Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S37026
Title: San Fernando earthquake, February 9, 1971
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.; Schader, Eugene E.; Bigglestone, Harry C.; Weers, Carl A.
Identifier: Text-S37069
Title: Carrying out the Bay Plan : the safety of fills
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S37385
Title: Prepared statement to the Subcommittee on Policy Research and Insurance, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs regarding earthquake losses 1-to 4-family California dwellings : who pays?
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S37469
Title: An engineering study of the Eureka, California earthquake of December 21, 1954
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S37596
Title: Fill : three reports on aspects of fill in San Francisco Bay
Creator(s): Seed, H. B.; Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S38769
Title: Earthquake hazard and public policy in California
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.; Johnson, Carl B.
Identifier: Text-S40031
Title: The Puget Sound, Washington, earthquake of April 29, 1965 : preliminary seismological report
Creator(s): Algermissen, Sylvester T.; Harding, Samuel T.; Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S40287
Title: Earthquake hazard reduction : report of the Task Force on Earthquake Hazard Reduction : program priorities
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S40475
Title: Earthquake disaster response planning : an engineering overview
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Text-S40482
Title: The Chilean earthquakes of May 1960 : a structural engineering viewpoint
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.; Flores, Rodrigo
Identifier: Text-S40558
Title: Epicentral intensities and damage in the Hebgen Lake, Montana, earthquake of August 17, 1959
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.; Cloud, William K.
Identifier: Image-B1202
Title: Tracks under walls
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-B1203
Title: Landslides blocked tunnels
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1
Title: Studebaker Agency
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S10
Title: Elevated tank collapsed
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1001
Title: Centro Urbano Presidente Juarez
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1002
Title: Centro Urbano Presidente Juarez
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1003
Title: Detail showing that no tie existed between building and fallen stair
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1004
Title: Detail at base of fallen stair
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1005
Title: Note separation between the stairs and the building
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1006
Title: Detail of separation between stairs and building
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1007
Title: Yucatan and Cuauhtemoc Aves.
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1008
Title: Note that building has settled
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1009
Title: Rear of building
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1010
Title: Library Building
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.
Identifier: Image-S1011
Title: Engineering Building
Creator(s): Steinbrugge, Karl V.