Identifier: Text-S19616
Title: Mechanics of the May 2, 1983 Coalinga earthquake : convened under auspices of National Earthquake Prediction and Hazards Programs, : 13 - 15 June 1984
Creator(s): Rymer, Michael J.; Ellsworth, William L.; Jacobson, Muriel
Identifier: Text-S19730
Title: Proceedings of Workshop XXVIII on the Borah Peak, Idaho, Earthquake
Creator(s): Stein, Ross S.; Bucknam, Robert C.; Jacobson, Muriel
Identifier: Text-S20488
Title: The dynamic characteristics of faulting inferred from ground motion : proceedings of Workshop 16, 21-23 October 1981
Creator(s): Jacobson, Muriel; Boatwright, John
Identifier: Text-S26531
Title: Proceedings of Workshop XVII : Workshop on Hydraulic Fracturing Stress Measurements
Creator(s): Zoback, Mark D.; Haimson, Bezalel C.; Jacobson, Muriel