The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S19564
Title: Elastic stability of lap-jointed cylindrical shells under axial compression
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.; Teng, Jin G.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19596
Title: Elastic-plastic large deflection analysis of axisymmetric shells
Creator(s): Teng, J. G.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19598
Title: Buckling of rings in column-supported bins and tanks
Creator(s): Teng, J. G.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19599
Title: Wall loads in squat steel silos during earthquakes
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.; Hull, T. S.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19610
Title: Elastic predictions of pressures in conical silo hoppers
Creator(s): Ooi, Jin Y.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19884
Title: Non-symmetric bifurcation of geometrically non-linear elastic-plastic axisymmetric shells under combined loads including torsion
Creator(s): Teng, J. G.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19922
Title: Unrestrained out-of-plane buckling of monosymmetric rings
Creator(s): Teng, J. G.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19923
Title: The out-of-plane buckling of restrained monosymmetric rings
Creator(s): Teng, J. G.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19924
Title: Wall pressures in squat steel silos from simple finite element analysis
Creator(s): Ooi, J. Y.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19960
Title: The structural design of steel silos for agricultural applications
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19964
Title: Elastic stability of cylindrical shells with circumferential welded joints under axial compression
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.; Teng, Jin G.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20040
Title: The structural design of light gauge silo hoppers
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20041
Title: Plastic collapse of restrained steel silo hoppers
Creator(s): Teng, J. G.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20063
Title: A technique for the measurement of imperfections in prototype silos and tanks
Creator(s): Clarke, M. J.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20064
Title: Nonlinear strain-displacement relations for axisymmetric thin shells
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.; Jumikis, P. T.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20183
Title: Systematic and random features of measured pressures on full-scale silo walls
Creator(s): Ooi, Jin Y.; Pham, L.; Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20242
Title: Triaxial testing of dry granular solids at very low stresses
Creator(s): Ooi, Jin Y.; Rotter, J. M.; Hull, T. S.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20260
Title: Elastic buckling of imperfect cylindrical shells containing dry granular solids
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.; Zhang, Q.

Icon Identifier: Text-S25805
Title: Ringbeams for column-supported bins
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S25822
Title: Local inelastic collapse of pressurized thin cylindrical steel shells under axial compression
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30218
Title: Stress distributions in a fermentation tank
Creator(s): Ings, N. L.; Rotter, J. M.; Trahair, N. S.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30221
Title: Multiple column curves by modifying factors
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30298
Title: Rapid exact inelastic biaxial bending analysis
Creator(s): Rotter, J. M.